An interview with 

Marie Collinge

Meet Marie, Apprentice Software Developer, four months into her role at Mony Group.

21 September 2023

How did you get your current role?

I’ve always had a keen interest in tech, and I would see and speak with developers and think ‘I want to do what they’re doing!’ Whilst I was on maternity leave from my previous role as a HR Manager, I completed some online courses in JavaScript and Python, before joining the Northcoders engineering bootcamp. I then applied for the Apprentice Software Engineer role at MONY Group in partnership wth Ada, the National College for Digital Skills and attended the assessment day which I really enjoyed. I was over the moon when I was offered the role!

What do you enjoy most about working at MONY Group?

Every day I’m learning and improving my skills as a developer, which is really exciting. The people at MONY Group are a great bunch - my mentor, Sam, is fantastic; he is so supportive but also allows me the time and space to work things through by myself. The same applies for my managers, my team, and everyone I have interacted with across the business! Every single person I have met so far has been so generous with their time and knowledge.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I start my morning with a stand-up meeting with my team to discuss the tickets that are currently in play. I’ll then catch up with my mentor and review my current tickets to see if I need any help or pair on a more challenging problem.

In the afternoon, I’ll spend some time working on my university assignments or completing self-driven learning around a topic, for example at the moment I am completing a Java course online.

There may also be other meetings such as our team weekly goal refinement or one-to-one reviews with my line managers.

What is it like starting a new job post-pandemic?

It is different because of the increase in remote working; however we still attend the office twice a week and I find myself really looking forward to these days. On the days I am working from home, my teammates are always available online for a quick call and we speak regularly throughout the day, so I never feel like I’m on my own. I’ve found MONY Group to be such a collaborative environment and there are different events happening regularly, so you’re able to get to know people from other areas of the business too. Finally, as a working parent with two young children, working remotely is hugely beneficial for me, especially as MONY Group is so flexible around start and finish times.

What excites you the most about the work?

I love problem solving and either creating something from new, or fixing something that was broken. This combined with the fact that MONY Group is really making a difference to peoples’ lives by helping them to save money, was an integral part of why I wanted to come to work here.

Every day I’m learning something new or putting a new skill into practice and it gives me a huge sense of achievement. I’ve already completed a few tickets that are running in the live environment, so it’s a great feeling to think that my code is out there being used by the public!

Have you learned anything new since you started?

So, so much! In the four short months I have been here, I feel like my knowledge and confidence has increased dramatically! As my first technical role, I’ve been learning the processes and procedures in a professional technical environment, as well as developing my coding skills. I’m learning a new language, Java, as well as working with software and tools that are completely new to me, like Jenkins and Jira.